Like other free - wheeling entrepreneurs, Kreuger did not disguise his contempt for accounting norms.
就像其他随心所欲的创业家一样, Kreuger一点也不掩饰对会计规范的蔑视.
互联网The alternative , then, would be to seek to make the present relatively free wheeling system safe.
那麽,另一种方案就是, 设法让当前相对自由放任的银行体系变得安全.
互联网We also meet Bombaya, a free - wheeling 11 - year - old orphan who lives on platforms , and Mukteshwar, a coolie.
我们还采访了波巴雅, 一名自由自在地居住在月台上的11 岁 孤儿;还有穆克特希瓦尔, 一位苦行僧.
互联网But things are changing , even in free - wheeling Monaco.
但即使身处随心所欲的摩纳哥, 日子也将没那么好过了.
互联网The alternative, then, would be to seek to make the present relatively free - wheeling system safe.
那么, 另一种方案就是, 设法让当前相对自由放任的银行体系变得安全.
互联网Many executives must learn to rein in their presumptuous free - wheeling style.
互联网Free - wheeling is his usual practice.
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